Home Wood Turning Inside Out Christmas Ornament Inside Out Christmas Ornament Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WhatsApp This ornament is an inside out turning made from six segments. In making this wood turning, the inside is turned first, then the six pieces are rotated 180 degrees. Then the outside is turned. The ornament is made from maple and walnut. RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Wood Turning Woodturning A Spalted Maple Bowl Wood Turning Segmented Bowl Wood Turning Segmented Bowl - Advertisement -Wood Turning Wood Turned Thin Walled Maple Bowl Segmented Woodturning and the Pantorouter Cloud Bowl Wood Turned Brick Bowl Load more Woodworking Woodworking Making A Cold Frame Woodworking Wood Turning A Back Roller Woodworking Studio Jelly: Part 1: The Railing Woodworking Making a Cubby Shelf