Home Woodshop French Cleat Hook French Cleat Hook Share Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WhatsApp I have a french cleat system around my wood shop. In this video I show how I make a simple hook to hang items on. It consists of a piece of plywood as a body a cleat, a spacer and a dowel as a hook. RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Woodshop Transforming a Pressure Pot for Resin Casting Woodshop Making A Woodturning Steady Rest Woodshop Workholding Devices on the CNC - Advertisement -Wood Turning Inside Out Christmas Ornament Making a Maple Bowl with Maple and Walnut Inserts Wood Turned Easter Egg Wood Turned Bamboo Death Star Load more Woodworking Woodworking Tree Plays Piano. Its Repertoire Will Amaze You! Woodworking French Cleat Coat Hooks Woodworking woodturning a yo-yo Woodworking Woodworking Camp: making a boat