Moving the Wood Turning Lathe
In order to add 4 feet to my CNC router table, I had to make room by moving my wood turning lathe....
Shop Tour Part 2: Dust Collection
In this second part of a longer series of shop tour videos, I go over the dust collection in the shop. ...
Shop Tour Part 1
In this first part of a longer series of shop tour videos, I go over the shop circulation and general layout of...
French Cleat Hook
I have a french cleat system around my wood shop. In this video I show how I make a simple hook...
Making Drawer Handles
I use the CNC router to cut Handles in the drawers that I made in my previous video.
Wood Turning Grinder Stand
I have made a stand for my grinder that I use for sharpening my wood turning tools. The stand is a...
Simple Shelves on French Cleat
I have made more shelving for my woodworking shop. These shelves consist of a box with shelves that hang on a...
Woodshop Air Filter Cart
I have received many requests to do an overview of my air filter cart. I built this cart in 2007. It...
Making Drawers
I would like to build drawers that will go on the shelves above the jointer in the shop. This is where I...
Wooden Gantry Crane
I built this crane by assembling the legs first. Then I attached the beam to the two legs to form the...