
woodturning a yo-yo

I start by cutting out 8 equilateral right triangles, four of cherry and four of purple heart. I glue the triangles...

Woodturning A Toy Top

We have a toy top made by my wife's grandfather, James McCombe. I wanted to try to remake it as it...

Woodturning A Segmented Walnut Bowl Part 2

In part one, I had a walnut bowl that I had started to hollow out, but never finished. It developed several...

woodworking mallet

I needed a woodworking mallet for the shop. I decided on the basic wedged mortise and tenon design. In the...

Wood Turning A Back Roller

I wanted to make my wife a Valentine's Day present. My thought was to wood turn some kind of back massage...

Calvin’s Desk Part 2

In part two of the series on Calvin's desk, I concentrated on the legs. When designing the legs, I initially started with...

Calvin’s Desk Part 3

In part three of the series on Calvin's desk, I concentrate on the desk top, the back and putting it all together....

Stop Motion Camera Dolly

This movie is about making the scene in "Calvin's Desk Part 3" where the finish is going on the back of the...

Making A Cold Frame

I needed to make a cold frame to sprout tomato plants while it is still winter here in the great northwest. ...

Paper Towel Holder

I had made a desk for my 6 year old son. The desk had a back shelf supported by a row of...