
Segmented Woodturning and the Pantorouter

I have wanted to introduce curves into the patterns of segmented woodturning. Kuldeep Singh offered to send me one of his...

Glulam Bowl

I wood turned a bowl from glulam beams I saved from the pool house that we demolished to build the shop. ...

Wood Turned Chip and Dip Tray

I had a cherry tray that I had rough turned three years ago. It was ready for its final turning....

Segmented Wood Turned Bamboo Bowl

In this video, I make a bowl from the leftover 3/4" bamboo plywood from the kitchen project. I started by drawing...

Woodturning a Segmented Christmas Ornament 2014

With this ornament, I wanted to bring wood from two different trees on our property together. The Ornament would be a...

Inside Out Christmas Ornament

This ornament is an inside out turning made from six segments. In making this wood turning, the inside is turned first, then...

The Ornament and The Tree

I've made an inside-out Christmas ornament. I built this by cutting out 6 diamond shaped pieces of blood heart and purple heart...

Snow Bell

The pattern in this segmented wood turned bell is an abstraction of snow falling on hills. The snow and hills are made...

Wood Turned Wedding Bowl

I have been commissioned by my father-in- law to make a wood turned bowl wedding gift. The idea for this piece...

Wood Turned Easter Egg

I have made a segmented wood turned Easter Egg. The patterning for the segments is inspired from looking at Ukrainian eggs....